Tooth Whitening

A bright white and healthy smile is one of our greatest markers of physical attractiveness. It catches attention and sparks unprompted smiling in everyone from strangers to friends. Cross-culturally, a big smile truly is one our most powerful ways to communicate happiness and display a person's beauty. Tooth whitening is a perfect way for someone with healthy teeth to make a tremendous improvement in their own smile. These days, it is common for people to try and whiten their teeth by all sorts of means. Over-the-counter take-home kits, one size fits all trays, in-office bleaching, and custom gel trays are all commonly used. What may work great for one person may not work for another person with much heavier staining. Indeed, some types of staining may never disappear fully with whitening treatments at all and may be best treated with options such as dental veneers. If you would like a whiter smile, speak with Dr. Reed about your options to get the results you are looking for.