
When teeth are relatively healthy but have unsightly imperfections, dental veneers may the perfect solution. They are ideal for correcting the following conditions:

  • Gaps between teeth

  • Heavily stained teeth

  • Rotated or crooked teeth

  • Congenitally misshapen teeth

  • Chipped or fractured teeth

Much more conservative than crowns, veneers cover only the front of the teeth with a beautiful, yet durable porcelain shell that can transform a smile. Certain veneer materials, such as Lumineers, are so thin and strong that only light shaping of teeth is required which results in a minimal need for anesthesia. These appointments will require two office visits. During the first, the teeth are shaped to make space for the veneers. Temporaries are then made for the patient and impressions are sent to a laboratory. On the second visit, the veneers are placed with bonding materials for a beautiful improvement that will last a long time. Veneers are considered a permanent treatment option so proper hygiene is required to maintain the benefits to your smile from this procedure.